Friday 18 March 2016

An Introduction: Get To Know Me | Tag | Love, Lauren.

Hi there, and welcome to Love, Lauren. As you may have already guessed, my name is Lauren. I am seventeen and I live in the West Midlands of England. Since this is my very first post, I thought that I should introduce myself and let you know who I am. In order to do this, I used the Get to Know Me tag - I hope you enjoy!

Vital Stats: 

Name: My full name is Lauren Isabella Howell. My middle name was named after my Nan Isobel, whom I live with along with my Grandad Brian. :)

Nicknames: I have quite a few nicknames! It all depends on who is addressing me, but a few include 'Loz', 'Lol', 'Lollipop' (I know, right?!) and 'Lozza'.

Birthday: My birthday is the 17th of November. I turned seventeen a few months ago, and my eighteenth is this year!

Place of Birth: I was born at a local hospital in my hometown. :)

Zodiac Sign: My zodiac sign is a Scorpio. I'll let you take from that what you will! I'm actually very interested in zodiac signs.

Gender: I am a female, and although sometimes I wish I wasn't, it's okay mostly! :)

Occupation: I am a student, and am currently at college studying to work in emergency medicine.

Residence: I live in the West Midlands of England. :) It's pretty chilly most of the time, and my hometown doesn't really have the best reputation (it was on Lonely Planet's '9 Most Hated Cities in the World'), but it's where I grew up so I like it!

Screen Name: I have many various screen names for different social platforms, but if you'd like to follow me my links are in the sidebar!


Hair Colour: My hair has quite a mixture of various colours, but I'd say the main one is a dark ashy-blonde colour.

Hair Length: My hair is quite long, but not quite waist-level (yet)! It comes to around just under my shoulder blades.

Eye Colour: I have green eyes with bits of blue and grey here and there. :)

Best Feature: Hm, this was a tough one! But I'm all about that self-loving attitude, so I'm going to say my smile! :)

Height: I am around five foot six inches, I think!

Braces: Yes, I do have braces! I've had them on for around a year, and they hurt for the first few days after having them tightened, but otherwise they're not too bad. If you'd like to see a full post on my braces experience with tips and advice, please let me know in the comments! :)

Glasses: I haven't had an eye test in years, but I don't wear glasses! I think I have pretty good vision. However I love how glasses look, they're very cute.

Piercings: I have the regular lobe ear piercings on both ears, and also a second lobe piercing on my left ear. I hope to get more soon!

Tattoos: I don't have any tattoos as I'm not quite old enough yet, but I plan to get some in the future.

Righty or Lefty: I am a proud righty!

My Firsts

Best Friend: I think my first ever best friend was a girl named Hannah from nursery. :)

First Award: Hm, I'm pretty sure it was a 'Pupil of the Year' award from primary school! If not, it was a cheer leading award from primary school.

First Sport You Joined: The first sport that I really got into and enjoyed was tag rugby, which is rugby but without the injuries or contact. ;)

First Real Holiday: I went away for a few day trips as a child, but my first real holiday was in 2013 when I went to Woolacombe Bay for a week.

First Concert: I've never actually been to a concert. The closest thing to a concert I've been to is when I performed vocals at a local venue with my band from secondary school! However, I am going to V Festival this year, and I'm so excited!


Movie: I'm going to have to say Girl, Interrupted, but Mean Girls is a close second! I can practically quote each movie word for word.

TV Show: Oh, now that is just too hard! I love far too many to choose just one. I love 24 Hours in A&E, My Mad Fat Diary, Orange is the New Black, Eastenders... The list goes on!

Colours: My favourite colours are blue and green, although my wardrobe is mostly black!

Song: At the moment, my favourite song is Dakota by Stereophonics.

Sweets: Skittles of course! Although I am a fan of Cadbury chocolate too.

Restaurant: Fayre & Square is a nice restaurant, and so is Pizza Hut.

Shop: In terms of beauty I'd have to say Boots - I practically live there! As for clothing I'd probably say good old Primark.

Book: I quite like Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, it's really good!

Magazines: As strange as it sounds, I love reading Take a Break magazine. It's so interesting!

Shoes: I love all kinds of shoes! I'm kind of addicted. Just a bit.


Feeling: Excited about my new blog!

Single/Taken: I am in a relationship. :)

Eating: Nothing at the moment, surprisingly!

Typing: Well, this one is a bit self-explanatory isn't it?

Online: As always!

Listening to: The television from downstairs and my typing. :)

Thinking About: My plans for tomorrow.

Wanting: A cup of tea. :)

Watching: My cat trying to fall asleep whilst I'm typing away.

Wearing: Some black jeans, fluffy white socks and a shirt with butterflies on. :)


Children: I would like children at some point, but definitely not in the near future!

Marriage: Again, I would like to get married some day too, but not for a while.

Career in Mind: As already mentioned, I'm studying to work in emergency medicine. I'd like to become a paramedic or an A&E nurse one day. :)

Where do You Want to Live: Either London, Paris or New York. :)

Have I Ever...

Kissed a Stranger: How scandalous! But no, not that I can recall!

Had Alcohol: Yes, as have most people!

Smoked: Yes, I have, and I wouldn't recommend anyone try it!!

Ran Away From Home: These are getting rather personal! But yes, I have.

Broken a Bone: Nope! (Touch wood)

Got an X-Ray: Indeed I have. :)

Broken Someones Heart: Yes, and I feel so bad typing this!

Do I Believe In...

God: I'm a bit sceptical about it all, honestly.

Miracles: Yes, I have witnessed them first-handedly!

Love at First Sight: I think that there may be an instant attraction to someone at first sight, but not love as you don't know the person yet.

Ghosts: I think there is definitely some kind of afterlife.

Aliens: Yes, but not your stereotypical alien with green skin and one eye. Maybe some kind of organism that lives on another planet, maybe even just a cell. Or, another of my theories is that we live amongst aliens and are unaware. I'm very interested in conspiracies such as this!

Soul Mates: I'm a little sceptical, but I can't really say!

Heaven/Hell: As I said, I believe there is an afterlife, but maybe not the typical heaven and hell beliefs.

Kissing on the First Date: Hey, you do you boo!

Yourself: Yes, I believe that everyone should! :)

Thank you for reading, and I hope this post gave you an insight into my personality! Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' so that you don't miss out on any posts, and I'll see you next time. Bye!

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